Reduced eyesight while at work

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22 avril 2024, 19:36
   Do you think I can get compensation or have my treatment paid for if I require surgery to restore my eyesight? I'm sure that my eyesight has deteriorated badly because of my work, but I have no idea whether I can expect my company to pay for the surgery.


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22 avril 2024, 20:21
Citation de: Max
I think it makes sense to contact experienced attorneys who work in this field. There are various specialists now, including narrowly focused ones, so why don't you seek their help or services?

In any case, a consultation with experienced lawyers won't hurt. At the very least, you'll know what you can expect in a given situation. And overall, learn more about eye injury lawyer San Francisco - Shea & Shea. These lawyers have a lot of experience and have handled a lot of cases similar to yours, so you can probably really count on a positive outcome.   

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